Becker’s Healthcare
brand guidelines
When I began working as Becker’s graphic designer, the only real semblance of a brand style was two established primary colors and a handful of fonts. Although it was not one of my primary directives in my day-to-day work, I took it upon myself to start to compile and create a style guide that would help unite the design work at Becker’s Healthcare.
To start, I created a monochrome blue palette based off of the original Becker’s blue and then built out the neutral gray palette with a slight hint of the blue added under each color. Using Avenir Next LT Pro and Avenir, I assembled a hierarchy of typographic styles that utilized the boldness of Next LT Pro’s look for headings and the uniform geometry of Avenir for smaller body text. The idea of using circles as supporting graphic elements came to me after some research into shape symbolism and inspirational brand styles in the healthcare industry. From there I built the framework for a more unified brand with a distinguishable style and feel.
Skills // layout design, branding, visual identity
Tools // InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop